Study Guide

                           1. OBEDIENCE 

Scripture Portion: Genesis 16, Genesis 17:1

Memory Verse​ : I Samuel 15:22 

But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.


• God Promised Abram a son through Sarai.

• Abram thought God was acting slowly.

• So when Sarai suggested to him to have a child through Hagar the slave woman, Abram did not ask God about the matter.

• He did it as it was a normal practice those days.

• But it was a clear act of disobedience.

• God did not speak to Abram for almost 14 years.

• He lost valuable communion with God even though he was blessed for a long time.

There is no substitute for having a close relationship with God but to obey God in everything.

Self Analysis:

1.​What are the areas of disobedience in my life?
  2.​Do you have a close relationship with God? Does He speak to you?

3.​Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is any person, thing or habit which is making you disobey Him.

4.​Ask the Holy Spirit to help you repent completely without compromise in those areas.


1.​All believers must obey all that they know to be God’s will. Without obedience, no relationship with Jesus is possible.

2.​In matters of obedience, no one can deceive God with words because he looks into the heart.

3.​Communion with God is a gift from him. If we trample it through conscious disobedience or compromise or independent action, it can be lost permanently or for years.

4.​Spiritual gifts can be manifested and spiritual activities like praying, giving can be done by a person who is disobedient to God in certain areas but all those activities mean nothing to God.

 If God finds an obedient servant, He has found a man after His own heart.

                              2. PRAYER

Scripture Portion : I Sam 1:10-20, Mark 14:36, 38

Memory Verse​ : Matthew 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.


•​Hannah had no children.

•​She was troubled, so she went to God.

•​She poured her heart out.

•​After prayer, she was no longer sad.

 •​God heard her prayer and answered it.

 •​Jesus prayed to the Father in the garden of Gethsamanae.

 •​He asked the Father that the cup be taken away.

 •​But His prayer was not answered

 •​Jesus had to drink the cup.

 •​The only answer He received was strength to endure.

 •​Because God did not answer that prayer, that cup has ​become a blessing to millions.

 •​Jesus always prayed & taught us to pray according to the will of the Father in heaven.

Self Analysis:

1.​Are you comfortable in spending time in prayer alone with God?

2.​Is it a one sided conversation or does God speak to you? Do you spend time listening to God?

3.​What are your hindrances for prayer?

4.​Ask the Holy Spirit to pour in you the Spirit of prayer.


1.​Prayer is the union of a believer’s will with the will of God to accomplish the purposes and desires of God.

2.​Anyone practicing deliberate sin cannot stay in God’s presence long enough to enter into a deep fellowship with God. Sin will make us hurry away from God’s presence into the presence of man where they are more comfortable.

3.​God often speaks to the believers who wait before him anxiously begging Him to speak. When we are alone with God, we can expect to be told intimate things.

4.​Jesus prayed all his life. Before ministry, during ministry, throughout the night, early in the morning, in the Garden of Gethsamanae. Even on the cross and now at the right hand of the Father. So we must evaluate the importance of prayer and strive to pray as it should be the topmost priority of any believer. 


                     3. BIBLE READING

Scripture Portion : 2 Chronicles 34:14-33

Memory Verse​ : Psalms 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.


•​Israelites were the first people on the earth to receive the written word of God in form of TORAH through Moses.

 •​But over the years they had forgotten the Book of the law of the Lord.  

 •​The Book was found during the reign of King Josiah by Hilkiah the priest.

•​The Book was read to the king and he tore his robes hearing about what was written in the book.

•​They realized that the Lord’s anger would be poured on those who do not keep the words or fail to act in accordance to what is written in the book.

 •​So the king sent his officials to prophetess Huldah, the wife of Shallum, keeper of the wardrobe to find out what God wanted them to do.

•​She was not afraid to speak the word of God even to the king, though it was not good news.

 •​God told King Josiah that because he humbled himself and his heart was responsive when the word of the LORD was read to him, God would not bring disaster during his life time.

•​King Josiah acted immediately by calling all the people from the least to the greatest in Jerusalem and read the words of the Book.

 •​He also renewed the covenant with God that he would follow the Lord with all his heart and soul and also made all the people renew their covenant with God.

•​He removed all the detestable idols in Israel and He followed God as long as he was alive.

Self Analysis:

1. Do you read the Bible every day, chapter by chapter? Or do you randomly read a chapter or verse? Do you jump chapters when you read story books or subjects?

2.​Do you believe that the Bible is truly the word of God and do you hear God speak to you through the Bible?

3.​Think of one time when God spoke to you through a verse and how it helped you. Do you respond to the word of God like Josiah?

4.​Meditate Isaiah 55 with the 13 questions.


1.​We need to read and mediate God’s word to know the ways of God and keep away from sin. (Ps.119:11.)

 2.​The word of God also helps us distinguish between God’s voice, Satan’s voice and our own voice.

 3.​It is the only book that tells about our future hope. It gives us a glimpse of our destiny and eternal life in heaven.

 4.​So we must read the Bible with great joy because the King of the Universe speaks to us through it. We must be determined to hear Him speak and also do what He says.


              4. HOLY SPIRIT’S ANOINTING



But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.


·​Jesus promises His disciples the Holy Spirit who is the counselor. John 10:7

·​When Jesus rose again from the dead, He breathed on His disciples and said receive the Holy Spirit. John 20:22

·​The Upper room experience is one external sign and evidence of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. But the disciples already received the Holy Spirit.

·​In the Old Testament also the Holy Spirit came into people, but only for a specific time for a specific task.

Eg. Moses, Samson, Jepthah and Daniel.

·​But in the last days the Bible says, God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh. Joel 2:12, Acts 2:17.​

How to know if you have the Holy spirit in you.

·​You receive the Holy Spirit when you receive Jesus in your heart.

·​You are able to pray.

·​You are able to hear God. Numbers 11:16

·​You will have humility. Numbers 12:3

·​You will have power and boldness. Acts 1:8

·​You will have signs.

·​We can quench the Holy Spirit.

Self Analysis:

 1.​Has He been a part of your life but now has He been quenched or grieved?

2.​Have you received the sign of tongues which is the initial evidence?

3.​What other sign do you want or desire from the Holy Spirit to operate in your life?


1.​We receive the Holy Spirit on the day we accept Christ as personal Savior, as He is the seal on us until the day of redemption. II Cor. 1:22.

2.​Do not confuse the speaking in tongues alone as the presence of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues enables the Holy Spirit to pray secrets to the Father. Therefore it is a vital part of prayer. I Cor. 2:12,13.

3.​ Jesus said that all other sins will be forgiven except when you speak against the Holy Spirit. Therefore we need to be very careful. Matt. 12:32.


                                5. BAPTISM 

Scripture Portion : John 3:1-21

Memory Verse​ : John 3:3

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”


•​A Pharisee and an important Jewish leader came to see Jesus at night. His name was Nicodemus.

•​Nicodemus wanted to know the truth as he found that there was something about Jesus.

•​What Jesus told him was very surprising to him.

•​Jesus told him unless a man is born again, he cannot be in God’s kingdom.

•​Nicodemus could not understand what ‘being born again’ meant.

•​Jesus said we must be born of water and the Spirit. Human life comes from human parents. But our spiritual life comes from the Spirit.

•​Baptism is not a custom or a ritual, it is an external manifestation of an internal change.

 •​It is a command of God that we should obey, even Jesus obeyed it when he was on the earth.

 Self Analysis:

1.​Have you fulfilled the command of God by taking immersion baptism at a knowledgeable age?

2.​Has your spiritual life changed after baptism or was water baptism a ritual?

 3.​Have you become a new creation with your old life buried under water, rising up to a new life, new level of faith and new spiritual life?

 4.​If you have not taken baptism what is stopping you from taking baptism and fulfilling God’s command?


​Our first birth was from earthly life. Our second birth is from eternal life.

 ​You have to believe that when you take baptism, your old sinful life is completely cleansed. (Acts 2:38) and you are openly declaring that you belong to Christ and not the world.

 ​Once you are born again, you become a part of the kingdom of God. Now you will have to live according to the kingdom principles and not worldly principles.

 You need to have the assurance that you are truly born again and will have eternal life in heaven.



Scripture Portion : Judges 16, Matthew 4 

Memory Verse​ : I Cor 10:13​​​​

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”



•​Temptation is a situation where God allows a person to be tested by the Devil and the outcome determines whether our evil fleshly desires are stronger in us or our love for God and our faith in him stronger.

•​Starting from Eve, Joseph, David, Daniel, Samson, Jesus and so on, the Bible gives us many examples of people who overcame and also failed when they faced temptations.

 •​Today we will see one example who failed and one who overcame.

 •​The Spirit of God led Jesus to be tempted in the desert by Satan.

 •​Satan knew that Jesus was hungry. So he tempted him with food.

 •​Satan always tries to make us fall into sin in our weak spot.

 •​Everyone has their own weakness. It may vary with time and situations.

 •​It was not wrong for Jesus to eat after 40 days of fasting but the real temptation was deeper than just eating.

 •​Satan tempted Jesus by making him doubt who God has made him to be.

 •​He tempted him by making him doubt the word of God and was trying to make him obey his words. He does that by twisting the truth just a little bit. ( Eg : Eve). He always questions our faith in God. (Gen 3:1)

 •​He tempted him with the pleasures of the world to deviate Jesus, from the love he had for God and take a shortcut to success and give up on the relationship with God.

 •​But Jesus overcame the temptation by resisting the devil with the word of God.

 •​Samson also was tempted in his weakest spot, which was women (judges 16:4, 5).

 •​Satan wanted to overpower him by finding out the secret of the strength that God had given him.

 •​Satan does not know everything about us but he roams like a roaring lion seeking for an opportunity to devour anyone who is weak ( I Peter 5:8)

 •​Though Samson was strong physically to kill a lion, he was not strong spiritually to kill the roaring lion, the devil.

 •​He went to the women again and again, and thought that his physical strength was enough to protect his spiritual secret.

 •​But he was wrong. One day he gave up his secret and he was overcome.

•​The good news is, he got one more chance. Our God gives us so many chances and wants us to be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

 Self Analysis:

 1.​What is your one weak spot that you keep falling again and again? Romans 7: 15

2. What is the source through which this temptation comes to you?

 3. At the time when the temptation comes, are you able to hear the voice of your spirit ​that is guided by the Holy Spirit and obey it or are you obeying the voice of your flesh which is guided by the evil desires of this world? (Romans 8:12, 13)

 4. Ask God to give you the grace and strength to overcome the sins that you are committing (II Corinthians 12: 9)


 ​Keep a check on the input gates to your heart (eyes, ears, touch) in order to control the evil desires that will cause you to be tempted. James 1: 12 – 14

​God allows certain temptations into our life that Satan brings, to know our heart , to make our love stronger for him, to build our perseverance and to build others. Luke 22: 31, 32

 ​Storing the word of God and spending at least one hour in God’s presence is a must to overcome sin. Mark 14:38

 ​We have a God who is able to deal gently with those who are going astray and keep falling, as He himself was subject to many weaknesses. Hebrews 5: 2, 3

​Only those who endure till the end can receive the crown kept for them in heaven. Till the end of our life we will be tempted but with the help of the Holy Spirit who will be with us always, we can overcome. Revelation 3:10, 11


                               7. EVANGELISM

Scripture Portion​: Daniel 6, Matthew 28:19,20

Memory Verse​​: Mark 16:20

“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.”


•​Daniel came to Babylon as a slave but God exalted him to become the highest ruler. He served under 4 kings (6:3)

•​All the kings acknowledged that he was smart, knowledgeable, ten times better and a talented man.

•​Also they all praised the God of Daniel and said that the Spirit of the Holy God is in him.

•​He was not a pastor but a busy government official who practiced kneeling, praying and thanking God 3 times a day in an upper room (6:10). He also had time to read scriptures and fast and pray. (9:1)

•​In his work, no one could accuse him as he was trustworthy, not lazy and was truthful (6:4).

•​He was not afraid of losing his life for the sake of his relationship with God.

•​If we stand for God, kings will run to us and hungry lions will go on diet for us (6:19).

 •​Daniel never shares about God but Darius calls Daniel a servant of the living God and has faith in Daniel’s God. (6:20).

•​King Darius shares about Jehovah to all and praises the God of Daniel. (6:26,27).

•​God will do supernatural things for His children to prove that He is with us. More than our words, it is through our lives that we can evangelize people and bring them to Jesus.

Self Analysis:

1.​Do you have the desire to share the good news about Jesus to non-​believers?

 2.​Are you ashamed to share about Jesus?

3.​Is your Evangelism more of words and less of life?

 4.​What are the hindrances that keep you from sharing the Gospel?

 5.​What are some supernatural things that have happened or you have seen in your life that proves Jesus is with you?


  • Our unshakable relationship with God in a daily basis is the key to evangelizing others.
  • ​A true and uncompromising life of a Christian is the best way to show that we are serving a Holy God who is watching over us and is with us.
  • ​It is our duty to fulfill the great commission that God has given us, to spread the good news to all.
  •  ​Without the power of the Holy Spirit, we cannot be witnesses.
  •  ​The only thing that we can take to our eternal life in heaven is souls. So go, bring them to Christ.


                            8. WILL OF GOD

Scripture Portion : Jonah 1

Memory Verse​ : 1 John 2:17.

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 


•​Jonah receives a word from God to go to Nineveh.

 •​Even though he knew the perfect will of God, he wanted to run away from God’s presence and go to Tarshish.

 •​He paid for his own ticket, went and hid himself deep down in the ship to Tarshish.

 •​On the way God caused a great storm to arise, so the ship was about to sink.

•​Jonah knew that this problem came because of him to all the others. So he volunteered to be thrown out of the ship when the lot fell in his name.

 •​When he was thrown into the sea, God commanded a big fish to swallow Jonah and take him to the place where God wanted Jonah to be.

Verses to Ponder.

 1. John 4:34​

2. Romans 12:2 ​

3. Psalms 143:10​

4. Psalms 86:11 ​

5. Acts 17:26.

Self Analysis:

1.​How can we find out the will of God?

Through His voice, Written word, Circumstance, Spiritual authority.

2.​Should we ask for God’s will only in big matters like marriage, job, change of location or in everyday activities like going to a place, or buying something?

3.​Do you believe that as a child of God, nothing can happen in your life unless God permits it?

4.​Have you done something, thinking it is the perfect will of God but it did not have a happy ending?


1.​When we ask God sincerely to reveal His plan, He will do it one step at a time.

2.​Not doing God’s will, will cause us to flee from God’s presence and losing a lot, it will be dangerous for us and for others.

 3.​Just because things seem greener on one side, do not take it as God’s will. Seek God and ask Him to lead you.

 4.​Doing God’s will does not always mean you will get what you want (eg. Jesus). Even though things don’t work out on the earth, remember it is heaven, and our eternal life that matter most.

                                9. PARENTS

 Memory Verse​​: Mark 7:10​​​​

“For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’”

Scripture Portion​: Mark 6:17-28


 •​We do not choose our parents. God chooses for us.

•​In this story Herod is not the father of this girl.

•​She comes from a broken family.

•​Her mother is not leading a moral life. She has no example to follow.

•​She was being used by her parents.

•​Her step-father was displaying her beauty to other men and enticing her with only half of his riches.

•​She was really not accepted as his daughter.

 •​She was wise to go to her mother and ask blindly and obeyed her mother without thinking. (Mark 6:24)

 •​We should be grateful for parents who love us and have not thrown us in the streets.

 •​We should be so grateful for parents who live for Jesus.

 •​We must obey our parents for our life to go well. (Exodus 20:12).

 •​We should help our parents till they die (Mark 7:11).

Self Analysis:

 1.​Do you honour your parents by obeying them?

 2.​Do you honour God by accepting God’s choice for you or do you think they are not the best for you?

3.​Do you wish you were born in some other family?

4.​Have you been hurt by comparison, partiality, immorality, abuse by the parents? It is time for you to allow God to deal with these areas and come out of it.

5.​Have you hurt them by your words, actions in any way? If so, ask the Holy Spirit to forgive you and also go to your parents and ask sorry.


1.​If you have not honoured your parents, it means you are rejecting God’s wisdom and love for you.

 2.​If you have been hurt by your parents, it is time to forgive them because God says forgive and you will be forgiven. Matthew 6:14.

 3.​Even though a mother or father forgets her/his own child, God will never forsake them. He is our best father and He is able to fill the gap left by our parents in this world and eternal life in heaven.

4.​Honour God with all your heart, not by human rules but through God’s commands. Honour your parents, do not say cruel things.

 5.​Help your parents financially. What comes out from your mind, makes you who you are. Parents’ prayers are powerful.   
                                  10. FRIENDS 

 Memory Verse​​: John 15:13​

“You are my friends if you do what I command.”

Scripture Portion​: 1 Sam 20:14-17, 2 Sam 9:7


 •​God created human beings to have friendship with us.

•​Always two are better than one (Eccl. 4:9-12).

 •​God should be the centre of every friendship like that of David and Jonathan. (1 Sam. 20:42).

 •​If God is the centre, then your friendship will last for generations. (I Sam. 20:42).

 •​Their friendship was about giving.

 •​Their friendship was about trusting and keeping trust even when it hurts.

 •​Friendship is about doing whatever it takes to keep the relationship. (20:4).

•​True friends are selfless (20:17).

 •​Friendship is feeling bad when others treat our friend badly and rejoicing when something good happens. (20:34).

•​In a good friendship you must keep your word (20:35).

 •​Friendship is about respecting each other. (20:41).

 These are some good qualities we learn from David & Jonathan’s friendship.


1.​Don’t make small issues big, let go and move on.

 2.​Do not accuse your friend always.

3.​In a conflict situation, don’t ask ‘why did you do that?’ Ask ‘what happened?’.

 4.​We cannot change the other person, but we can change ourselves.

 5.​No matter who caused the problem, you are responsible how you react to the situation.

 6.​Always talk about an issue after the situation calms down.

7.​Confront in private, praise in public.

8.​Separate the action from the person. (Do not accuse the person’s character).

9.​Do not bring up past actions when dealing with a present problem.

 10.​Make sure you always have something, encouraging to say to your friend.

11.​Do not be negative always and avoid friends who are always a negative influence.

Self Analysis:

1.​How many close friends and casual friends do you have?

 2.​Is God the center of your friendship? Does God have first place in your life?

 3.​Is your friend a positive influence in your life?

 4.​What is the problem you often face with your friends?


  • Be ​careful what you share with friends. With prayer, you choose your friends.  
  • ​You must have friends who will be a positive influence in your life.
  • ​If you have hurt your friends by being selfish or by your words, it is time to ask them to forgive you.
  •  ​If your friend does not know Jesus, your first priority is to pray for their salvation and introduce Jesus to them.
  •  ​Make sure your friends come to heaven with you because God will hold us accountable.



 Memory Verse​​: 

Gen 2:18

“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.””

Malachi 2:15

“Has not the one God made you? You belong to him in body and spirit. And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful to the wife of your youth.”

Scripture Portion​: Gen 24:1-25

 Story: Rebecca

 •​God knows the best for you. Marriage is God’s invention.

•​A godly mate should be sought, only when it is certain that marriage will achieve the purposes God has for your lives. (Gen. 24:60, 58; 12:1-3).

 •​If you want to have a godly mate, you must wait for God’s time. (Gen. 11:14, 18, 22).

 •​If you want to have a godly mate, you must look in the right place. (Gen.24:10, 11, 13).

•​If you want to have a godly mate, you must seek godly qualities. (Gen.24:16).

 •​He who wants to find a godly mate, should be willing to heed the counsel of the older and wiser Christians. (Gen. 24:28, 50).

 •​He who wants to have a godly mate, must be willing to put emotional feelings last. (Gen.24:67).

Tips for Guidance:

​God directs His children to know His will through Scriptures. (Gen.18:19)

​God guides His children through “His Angels”. (Gen.24:7)

 ​All Christians are led by the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 8:14).

​The will of God is discerned through wisdom. (Gen. 24:10).

Self Analysis:

 1.​Have you ever prayed for your spouse? (Jer. 33:3)

 2.​Have you ever heard the counsel of the older and wiser? (Prov. 4:1, Prov. 1:8, 9)

 3.​Have you ever shown loving kindness to others? (Going an extra mile – unusual character) (Gen. 24:20).

 4.​Are you willing to wait upon the Lord for divine guidance? (Gen. 24:13, 14; 24:18, 19).

5.​Are you maintaining your sexual purity? (Gen.24:16).


​Godliness begins with a proper relationship with God – a woman who fears God. (Prov. 31:30; 6:24)

 ​You manifest the characteristics of one who is wise. (Prov. 9:13; 31:26; 11:22).

​Choose your mate carefully to live such a way as to keep your marriage vows.

​Be careful to seek to preserve the purpose of God for marriage.


♦ Non Christians.​​​Prov. 12:15.

♦ Lazy person.​​​Prov.19.15

♦ Liar​​​​​Prov.6:17

♦ One who lacks self- control.​Prov. 25:28.

                            12. GRATITUDE

 Memory Verse​​: Psalm 136:1

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.

Scripture Portion​: Luke 17:12-19​


1.​The whole story takes place in a village. Even the name of the village is not recorded in the Bible because it was so insignificant. Yet to Jesus it was important.

 2.​In this small village we see 10 men who were lepers come to Jesus. Leprosy is a sickness caused because of the curse of God.

3.​They stood afar because they couldn’t come close to Jesus. They understood they were diseased, condemned and forsaken. But the loving eyes of Jesus saw them immediately and His loving heart went out to them.

4.​They knew their only hope was Jesus and cried to Him for mercy. So they asked in faith and received in faith the healing God had for them 

5.​Jesus did not touch them or give any word of consolation. He just gave them an instruction. Yes. Often when you come to God in prayer with a need He just gives you an instruction from the word of God.

6.​When they obeyed they were healed.

 7.​All were healed but only one came back to thank Jesus and glorify God.

8.​Jesus then asks the man who came to thank Him where the others were.

9.​Jesus is astonished that the other 9 lepers who were from the house of Jacob had not come to say thanks, while a Samaritan usually shunned by the Jews had come back to praise and glorify God.

Self Analysis:

 1.​Are you like the leper so depraved by sin that you find it difficult to get close to God?

2.​Is your sin separating you from God?

3.​Do you have the saving knowledge of Jesus, the cleansing power of His blood and have found your way back to Him?

4.​Do you remember to thank God for His love, thank Jesus for His redemption and the Holy Spirit for His presence and comfort in your life?

 5.​Do you thank Him for His protection and provision daily?

 6.​Do you glorify God for all the miracles and blessings of your life?

 7.​Do you thank and praise God for His grace and mercy which is sustaining you?

 8.​Do you confess your sins done knowingly, unknowingly to God on a daily basis, repent of it, get healed of your spiritual leprosy so that you can stay close to God?

 9.​Do you come to God in faith for all your needs?

 10.Do you remember to always thank God for answered prayers and even unanswered prayers or prayers answered differently from the way you had desired?


It is important to say “Thank you” to our God because:

 1.​Our God loves it and desires to hear it from our lips as we read in the story of the 10 lepers as found in Luke 17:11-19. Are we not vividly struck by the heart piercing question “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the other nine?” (V17)

 2.​Because it is the will of God. (I Thessalonians 5:18)

 3.​Because it is a spiritual sacrifice God expects from you. (Ps 116:17) 

4.​Because it is heaven’s theme. (Rev 7:12)

5.​Because it is your duty. (II Thessalonians 2:13)

6.​Because Jesus did it every time He received something from His Father in heaven. We are called to follow the example of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Matthew 11:25, Luke 10:21, Luke 22:19, John 11:41)

What is the need to say “Thank you”

 1.​Thanksgiving, praise and worship are the most powerful weapons God has prepared for us to defeat the evil one in our spiritual battle against him. (II Corinthians 10:4) 

2.​Thanksgiving helps you to resist the devil and all his wiles, that he may flee from you (James 4:7). Satan is frightened of praise and thanksgiving.

3.​Thanksgiving can bring down the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6) and part the Red Sea of your life (Exodus 14).

4.​If you do not learn to say ‘Thank You’ here on earth, you will not be able to say it there in Heaven; you will not be able to join the choir in heaven to sing “Blessing and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever” as we read in Rev 7:12.

So “Everything that has breath Praise and Thank the Lord”. (Psalm 150:6) Amen.