

Psalms 121:4  “He who watches over Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers”

​It was in the year of 1967, when Israel faced an attack from four countries namely Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Their goal was to ‘wipe Israel off from themap’. The war,  however, was won miraculously within a short period of time andwith the least casualty. There are a few life lessons we can learn from the way Israel completely routed not one but four of its powerful enemies.

​When we draw parallels to our life we also find ourselves at constant war with the enemy, Satan, who is like a roaring lion seeking whom he might devour. Unless we learn to wage war with God’s power and follow the simple escape routes that God provides, we will not be able to overcome our sins and live a life of victory.

Attack on the Egyptian front:

​On day 1, Israel used just 200 of its planes, which flew low enough to remain undetected by the enemy radar, to completely destroyed all the six airfields and runways, while the planes were still aground. This crucial strategy of destroying the Egyptian air force completely gave them total air superiority that ensured Israel’s astounding victory.

​Similarly, in our lives, in order to get an upper hand over the temptations and sins that constantly attack us, we must destroy the paths through which theyenter our lives. Points of entry may be through our mobile phones, television programs, the internet or a person. The path or runway through which sin can enter our life must be destroyed. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:5, We demolish arguments, and every proud thing that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.

Attack on the Syrian Front: 

​The Golan Heights is a mountainous terrain on the Syrian side. It was literally impermeable because these mountains had many unidentifiable secret artillery positions from which grenades and bombs were launched to utterly destroy the enemy. The Syrians were so sure that they could win over the Israelis through their secret artillery positions.

​Well, Israel had sent a spy named Eli Cohen to Syria a few years before the war and Cohen had made friends with high ranking Syrian officers while he worked undercover unknown to them. He was taken on tours to the Golan Heights. At that time he tactfully suggested that they should plant some Eucalyptus trees to give shade to the Syrian soldiers who stood under the sun in these artillery positions. After many years these trees grew up and acted as markers for Israel on the Golan Heights which was otherwise bare. It was easy to target and destroy these bunkers effortlessly during the time of war resulting in the defeat of Syria, much to their surprise.

​In our lives these trees that were planted can be compared to the word of God planted in our heart. Every day we must let the word of God grow in our hearts even when there is no war or trouble in our lives. So that at the right time, when we face a temptation or problem these powerful verses from the word will stand tall as a marker to guide our mind in the decisions we make and destroy the enemy completely. Psalms 1:3 says the tree produces fruit in season and again in Eccl. 11:1, it says cast your bread upon the waters for after many days, you will find it again. Yes the word that is sown in your heart today will find its use at the right time.

Attack on the Jordanian front and Iraq:

​On this side Israel had to confront the ground force. They had to walk through the desert under scorching heat and fight a huge army. For every one Israeli soldier there were 3 enemy soldiers. It was literally impossible to win over these troops. But a simple strategy helped them win. The enemy troops followed strict European water rationing standard. (i.e) they got just 1 liter of water per day, whereas the Israeli soldiers got 1 liter per hour. The strict water rationing of the enemy troops caused the death of more than 20,000 soldiers due to heat stroke. In the desert it was water that sustained these soldiers.

In the battles of life, in dry situations, in lonely moments it is prayer that will sustain us. Prayer just once during the morning will never be enough. We need constant praying without ceasing. Smith Wigglesworth the famous preacher once said. “I have never spent praying more than half an hour at once but there has never been more than half an hour that has gone by without praying”. The Bible says in Eph. 5:18. “Pray in the Spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers.” When Jesus faced battles and temptations, He prayed in Mark 14:36. Jesus says “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The Spirit is willing but the body is weak”. ​When you face temptations knocking at your door it is time for you to pray. When situation get too difficult to handle, it is time to pray, otherwise we can also collapse under the heat.

​There were many other miraculous occurrences during the six-day war that brought this astounding victory to the Israelites. The same God who fought their battles 400 years ago is still fighting for us with his mighty and outstretched arm.The same God of Israel is there by your side to help you in your everyday battles. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will raise a banner of victory. He will send all His angels to assist you and bring you victory when you call on His name. He has promised in 1 Cor. 10:13 that “He is faithful not to let you be tempted beyond what you can bear and will

provide you a way of escape”. Yes we have a faithful God. He is not going to allow sin to push you down. But He is the one who will pick you up, intercede for you and present you faultless and blameless before the Father. O what a glorious day it will bewhen we stand before the Father as conquerors when all our battles are won, when all our strivings cease. Glory be unto His Holy name.

Merilyn Jemimah Amritharaj.