

“He satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like an eagle.” Psalm 103:5

Desires are what rule the world. Human desires are unimaginable. Some people desire good things while others desire evil things. Desires have no bounds. You can give a man everything but he will still desire for more.

The recent spot fixing scandal in the latest season of IPL is a perfect example.  The players are each paid a large amount but they still desire more money and that very desire has ruined many of their lives.

As a child of God, we are to communicate our deepest desires to our heavenly Father who always waits for us to ask from him every little thing. Remember when we pray God answers us.

But when we tell him our desire he does not satisfy us with what we want, he goes deeper. He looks at the outcome of satisfying the desire and only safely gives us what is good.  At times we are so disappointed, that God did not satisfy us by giving what we wanted or how we wanted it.  But be assured he has only given you what is good. If earthly parents know how to give good gifts, how much more does your heavenly Father know what is best for you. Matt 7:11.

The Bible says every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of light  who does not change like shifting shadows, James1:17.

If you desire for something bad he will never give it to you or if you desire for something that on the outside looks good but eventually will turn bad he will never ever give it to you even though you can fast and pray for 40 days and think you can twist his hand or melt his heart into giving you what you want the way you want. It’s not going to happen because he will you give you only what is good.

Also sometimes when he has satisfied your desire with good things it may seem bad in your eyes. You may say, “God this is not what I asked for.” Trust me, God has given it for your good. Thank him. Rom 8:28 All things worth together for good to those who love Him and to those who are called according to the purposes.

Many of us ask God for a married life, a job or something and when He gives it to us we think it is the worst thing God has done to you. We charge God  of wrong doing. It is a sin. In Job 1:22 it says In all things Job did not sin by changing God with wrong doing. So learn to accept what God gives you. For it is good.

Sometimes it may be that you are satisfied with what God gave you for a while and then like a child who is no longer interested with the new toy that’s now old, you begin to grumble again and feel unsatisfied.

It is time for your soul to thank God  for all the benefits and not forget them. For he has satisfied you with what is good. Only God can be the source of your satisfaction. If we focus on the granted desire and forget God, we are sure to loose our satisfaction.

Psalm 103:5 says God satisfies us with good things so that that our youth is renewed like an eagle.

Sometimes the good things that God does to satisfy us is the very change within us.

We all know how an eagle renews its strength. It goes up high in a mountain and stands facing the sun for many months till all the feathers shed and new ones come. Until that it patiently waits.

The same way if you want your desire to be satisfied with something good, go to God’s presence. He is the sun of righteousness. He will dawn on you with healing in His wings. He will change your very desire. He will remove every evil intension in you, purify you, heal your emotions filled with jealousy, every pride  and satisfy you with good things with love, joy, peace, prosperity and everlasting life.

The Bible says in Phil 2:13

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.”

Do every thing without complaining or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like stars in the universe. May He satisfy every desire of your heart with good things.

Keep shining for Jesus