

                                                             TRUSTING GOD

We all want to trust God. We all like the verses Proverbs. 3:5,6. “Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success.”

          Trusting God is a term easier said than done but let’s see from the word about trusting God. The Bible says in Psalms 34:8, ” Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Happy is the person who trusts him.”

But in order to trust him YOU OUGHT TO KNOW HIM

Psalms 9:10 (NCV) “Those who know the Lord trust him, because he will not leave those who come to him.”

          This fact that you need to know the person in order to trust that person is applied to any relationship. Relationships thrive on trust alone.

          For example: You give money to deposit in a bank to someone you know and you will never give it to a random stranger. It is the same when a father throws his child in the air. The child giggles knowing fully well that the fathers strong arms will hold them for sure. Familiarity breeds trust.

          It is the same with God only when you know God you will learn to trust Him you have any situation confronting you.

             But now the question arises. HOW DO WE KNOW GOD?

          As I was pondering over this and asking the Lord through His Spirit to teach me. He showed  me from the Scripture, these three things of how we can know God so that we can blindly trust Him.

The First way to know him is by Being Still.

In Psalms 46:10 God says, “Be still and know that I am God.

I will be praised in all the nations; I will be praised throughout the earth.”

          When we are faced with difficult situations we must just be quiet. We need to share the problem to God and wait for God to act.

          When we do that, we will see God’s will unfold.

          But when we take matters into our hands, God will also take His hand off to let us have our way.

          The Bible clearly warns us that “Some people think they are doing right, but in the end it leads to death.” (Pro.14:12).

This is a very difficult thing to do. But to learn to trust God. We must learn to be still.

We read that faith without works is dead. So many a times we think, we need to act upon our faith and end up taking things into our hands to accomplish them. But sometimes the work is to let go and let God. Sometimes the work might just be to surrender all and step aside to see God move us to right way or plan.

Second way to know him is through his fair decisions.

Psalms 9:16 Says ,” The Lord is known by His acts of justice”.

We must read the word, analyse story after story and see how God administered justice life by life. His fair decisions show us who God is. We learn that He is a just and righteous God abounding in mercy who can be trusted with eyes shut as it is mentioned in Exodus 34:6 to 7. “…I am the Lord. The Lord is a God who shows mercy, who is kind, who doesn’t become angry quickly, who has great love and faithfulness”

God did not destroy Noah along with the others when he decided to destroy the world just because of his righteous living. Even one soul counts. Each life matters to Him.

Today people abort mindlessly, they don’t value human beings but God cares about every single part of His creation. Even king David wonders in Psalm 8:4 as to why God cares for human beings,” Why are people even important to you? Why do you take care of human beings?”

Yes, God can be known from His fair decisions as David says in Psalms 37:25  “I was young, and now I am old, but I have never seen good people left helpless or their children begging for food.”

The third way to know Him is by seeking Him in prayer.

Jeremiah 29:12, 13. “Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will search for me. And when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!”

Finding God is to know God. We have to experience Him.When we ask like Moses with all our heart for God to reveal himself. He will , He will reveal Himself in ways that we can understand.

He was Jehovah Jireh to Abraham. He was the God who sees to Hagar.

Each of us will have a different revelation of who is but be assured if you diligently seek God, you will know Him, know His love and you will learn to trust Him like a child.

If you who are His child seek Him with all your heart, God will do what ever it takes to reach out, no matter how far to show that He can be trusted and that He will not leave those who come to Him.

The only think that can stop you from knowing and trusting God is your pride. You may think that you can do it on your own or it can be because you are too ashamed of your sins. The Bible says in Psalms 10:4. (NCV) “The wicked people are too proud. They do not look for God; there is no room for God in their thoughts.

If we have no time for God we can never know Him and when tough situations come, we cannot trust Him either.

Most people keep God as their back up plan. When all else fails they want to go to God. Others go to men for help and do things their way and also whisper a prayer for God to endorse their plans. It does not work that way. You cannot trust both God and Man. You can try it but you will always learn that it was better to put your confidence in God rather than man.

Therefore dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I urge you to know God by being still ,by learning from the word about His fair decisions, and by seeking Him with all your heart. So that you can trust Him.

I want to conclude with these words of Jesus from John 14:1 (NCV). “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me.”

Happy trusting.

Stay Blessed.

Merilyn Jemimah Mohan.