

Many a times when we read the Bible, we wonder if Jesus still heals people like He did before His resurrection. I recently wrote a book titled ‘Receive your healing’. I had written from the word of God on how to have a life of healing and wholeness. But within a month’s time of finishing the book, I fell sick and I really got to experience the healing power of Jesus in a practical way. I learnt a few lessons that I want to share with you. I sincerely pray that as I share these things, you would also receive the healing power of Jesus, as you put it into practise. I am sharing this so that your faith will increase and you will be able to believe and see the glory of God in your life!

My daughter fell sick, and had very high fever. I thought it was viral fever and gave her medicines. After two days I too got fever. I did not take it seriously and I was busy taking care of my daughter. After 5 days she was diagnosed with Dengue fever and her platelet count was very low. By that time her fever had subsided but she was vomiting. There was no food intake. So I gave her fluids and medication while I did not realize I was also unable to eat. I was praying for her but I was not able to pray much because I was weak myself. I was not able to read the Bible too.

At that time, I invited a prayer partner of mine home and asked her to pray for my daughter and read Psalm 91 and we started declaring the verses over my daughter. When we finished praying and reading the Psalm, my daughter got up and asked for food and she began to eat normally. Her platelet count began to increase and she was healed!

But I could not eat as my mouth had a lot of sores. The next day I took a blood test. Before the results came,I felt very weak as I had no intake of food. So I went to a hospital nearby just to take an IV drip to regain my strength. At that time my blood report came and we realized I had only 18,000 platelets and I also tested positive for Dengue fever. Normally the lower limit for platelets in the human body is 1,40,000. So they infused platelets. The next day they checked the blood count and found I had only 10,000 platelets! The doctors said they could not do much and asked me to move to a bigger hospital where they could treat me. They gave up hope. But I knew God was with me. I walked out of the hospital. In my head I heard many fearful voices but I ignored it and was praying. In the mean time I started asking many people to pray for me. People around the world started praying for me.

I got admitted in another hospital and on my way there, I went home and picked up my Bible and my diary where I write God’s word. At the hospital, they scanned me and found my liver and gall bladder had swollen and there were effusions from my lungs. My stomach was bloated. Even after further platelet infusion, the platelet count was only 13,000.

During the night I began to have hallucinations. I felt like my bed was moving and I was seeing old people covering their heads, standing near my bed. I was so disturbed. I asked the nurse to stop my IV drip. I went to the wash room, washed my face and came back to my bed. But again I kept seeing people standing in the room. It was around 4:30 in the morning. I could not pray, so I began to sing. I sang 5 songs aloud. I played these songs on my mobile phone and started singing along. And then I began to pray. I said ,”Jesus unless you infuse your blood into mine, I cannot be healed. By your wounds I am healed”. I gathered all my strength and opened my Bible to Psalm 91 and started confessing the verses over me. Now as I closed my eyes I began seeing tall Angels standing so close to each other, wing to wing, like a white wall around me. Soon these old people left the room. These tall angels were also singing with me the song” Jesus beautiful Saviour”. It seemed like they were anticipating someone to enter the room. Soon someone came in. I could not see anyone but I felt ‘ A Presence’ . I felt someone touch my head and a gush of blood flowed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I had goose bumps all over and my hands were still on my Bible. I opened my eyes to see the time . It was 6 0’clock. At that time a person came and took blood samples. Within 2 hours I got the blood report and my platelet count had shot up to 51,000. Praise God!

I believe that the miracle happened when Jesus touched me and healed me. I believe that early that morning, Jesus infused me with His blood and healed my body.

The next night I had difficulty breathing and I was bleeding from my nose. I was running a temperature of 102 degrees and my platelet count came to 31,000 but I knew what weapon I had to use. I sang and worshiped God and then I called the elders of the church to come and anoint me with oil and declare James 5 over me. The next day my platelet count shot up to 98,000. I was discharged from the hospital.
In the mean time as I was in the hospital I was also setting myself right again with God and man. I apologized to people I had to and renewed my vows before God. I reached out to help people who were suffering. I was completely healed by the grace of God.

These are the lessons I learnt through this experience.

1. The Power of Worship.
​Worship is one of the most powerful weapons we have. After all this happened, one day as I was worshiping God in the morning, I asked Him why I didn’t see the angels like that day, and why I had to do this as a routine everyday . I heard God say, that in my spirit I should see the soldiers guarding the country. They all have guns but they don’t use it everyday . But when the enemy comes they know the power of the weapon they have. So just because the enemy does not come everyday, they cannot put away their guns and relax. They should hold up their guns every single day. Similarly, Worship is a powerful weapon. We will realize its power only when the enemy comes. But we cannot stop worshiping God.

Worship is the reason why God created us. So ,if we don’t worship, then God is not God for us. (Malachi 1:6, “ If I am God then where is my honour). We just treat him like Santa claus ,to fulfill our wishes. When Paul and Silas worshiped, the prison doors literally broke (Acts 16:16 – 40). The earth shook, the chains holding them fell off. When the worshipers in Jehoshaphat’s army worshiped, his enemies destroyed each other (II Chronicles 20:21). Worship not only changes things in the Spiritual realm but also in the physical. Platelet counts rise, tumors disappear, fevers come down . Things change literally, when we worship. Evil spirits lose their power and leave when we worship.

2. The Power of the Word of God

I cannot tell you enough how powerful the word of God is! It is literally like medicine. I am not talking theory. I saw it with my own eyes when I read the word of God over my daughter. I saw the effects when I declared the word of God over my life. I have declared Psalm 91 over and over again over my family almost every day and God has protected us. When we take medicines, we don’t see its effects in the body at once, but it does the work it has to do. In the same way, you may think you are just saying the word of God aloud. But it has the power to create good things and destroy the bad things in your body and bring healing. When you claim the blood of Jesus and declare Isaiah 53:5,”by His wounds I am healed”, healing begins to take place. We don’t take medicine just once. We have to repeat the dosage. So also, when we keep claiming the words in the Bible everyday, the faith in us begins to rise and when we believe, we see the glory of God. When God sees the faith in us ,He will surely do a miracle. The only places where Jesus could not do miracles, was where there was no faith (Matthew 13:58). It is the power of Jesus and our faith that heals us, that performs the miracle. And the Bible says that Faith comes with hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17)

Hebrews 4: 12 says, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

So the word of God when read and believed is more powerful than all medicines combined.

3. Power of Obeying the word

I knew from Psalms 138: 2 that “God has exalted above all things, His name and His word.” So I began to apply His word.

I read James 5: 14 – 16 which says, “14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

I said,” let me do it”. So I called the elders of the church to pray over me.

I read Psalms 41: 1,2 “Happy is the person who thinks about the poor. When trouble comes, the Lord will save him. 2 The Lord will protect him and spare his life and will bless him in the land. He will not let his enemies take him”

I said ,”let me do it”. I began to look for people to help.

When you read the word, you must do it to see the power of His word. God has honored His word more than anything. So if we honor God’s word, we will see it work. I called the elders of the church and when they prayed for me I literally saw God get me out of the sick bed. It is not just enough to confess the word but we ought to obey it. Practically do it to see it work in your lives. Only if we believe the word, we will act on it.

4. Power of Corporate Prayer

When you can’t pray, you need someone to pray for you and with you. People all over the world prayed for me .And God moved. We need the body of Christ. We need fellowship. We need partners to pray with us. Even if you don’t have anything else in life, just find someone to pray with you consistently and sincerely. It is a great treasure. Satan will try to stop it in all possible ways but find someone to fast and pray with you. You will see the verse, “If two of you agree together on something on this earth it will be done by my father in heaven” (Matthew 18:19) come true. Of course you need to pray but at times you need someone to pray for you, to pray with you. In Acts 12: 5 we read that the church earnestly prayed for Peter and God set him free. When the church prayed for Peter the prison doors opened. In the same way when the body of Christ prays for you, you will be set free from any disease that is holding you back.

God did a great miracle in my life . I am alive today, truly by the grace of God. People who had a better platelet count than me, who were admitted in the hospital have died but God protected my family and me by His grace. I have heard so much about God but through all this I have seen God. Now I know for sure that Jesus is still alive and He still heals people like He did 2000 years ago. He has given me life to tell everyone that they too can be healed and set free no matter how serious the disease is. His healing power is still so available and powerful for you and for all whom you know. May you be healed in Jesus’ name. By His wounds you are healed for He has sent forth His word and healed your disease. Amen.

Let us Pray together:

Dear heavenly Father,

    I praise you, for you O God are our healer. With you all things are possible. Please heal my friend who is reading this testimony. If there is someone else whom they know needs healing, please heal them too. We agree in our Spirit and pray for their healing. We bind the spirit behind the sickness in Jesus’ name and we release your healing to flow into their body, spirit and mind. The blood that your Son Jesus Christ shed on the cross is for our healing and our forgiveness. Forgive them of every sin and heal them of every sickness by the precious blood of the Lamb. We believe with all our heart that by your wounds they are healed. Send forth your word and heal them completely. Let health be restored completely. We ask all this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.


Yes He still heals…

Merilyn Jemimah Amirtharaj