Resources, Spirituality

A Systematic way to study the Bible

A Systematic way to study the Bible

The Bible is God’s word. It’s one of the most precious gifts God has given in the hands of a believer. It teaches great wisdom to every human being irrespective of time in which he lives. It has solution for every given problem that anyone can face in this world. Because it is God’s breath and every word is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It has the power to bring effective change. It will never return empty when spoken over or applied in any circumstance. It will undoubtedly accomplish its purpose without fail. It has the power not only to change but also to create. As we see that it was God’s word that created the world we live in. Each word God spoke would have sounded like ‘a big bang’, a way people are right when they say the world was created through a big bang.

Therefore in our lives also God’s word is of prime importance to create new things and change old things in this journey of life where we need guidance for every step of the way. So when it is something of utmost importance we must always.

  1. Journal what God is telling us.
  2. We must take it slow, never hurry.
  3. We must apply it and practice it to see the changes.

So in this New Year get a journal, write about what you read. It shows that you consider it precious. This year don’t try to keep your target as reading the whole Bible within a year. It may be just one chapter a day or even less. Make sure you take it in morsel by morsel, sip by sip. Enjoy every bit, like you would with your favorite dessert.


Finally pray about everything you read. Try to practice it with the help of the Holy Spirit and by God’s grace you will see the Bible come alive in whole new way like you have never experienced before.


Here are 13 questions I answer when I learnt to systematically study the word of God. It was a great blessing to me to dwell deeper to read between the lines of God’s love letter to us.


  1. What does this chapter teach about God Jesus or the Holy Spirit?
  2. What does this chapter teach about the devil, demons or evil spirits?
  3. What does this chapter teach about people, their behavior or ways?
  4. What is one promise verse that I can memorize from this chapter (there may be many, try to memorize them).
  5. What is one sin mentioned in this chapter that I should repent from through God’s help (There may be many).
  6. What is one song I am reminded of when I read this chapter (if you are not reminded of any, write a new song)
  7. What is one most important lesson that I can learn from this chapter.
  8. What is one unchanging truth or principle that I seek revealed in this chapter.
  9. Who should I pray for regarding the things I read in this chapter (Often it would be you).
  10. What are some testimonies that God has done in your life similar to the events in the portion of Scripture.
  11. What are some real life examples and present scenarios that you can relate to which reads to the scripture. (Sometimes there may be no answer this question or any other question just skip it)
  12. Is there a message or a word I should share with someone from this scripture portion.

Some points.

  • Always ask help of the Holy Spirit to answer these questions.
  • Not all questions are answerable in every scripture portion.
  • If a chapter is full of names, don’t, skip it. God can speak to us even through it that He knows each of us by name and He never forget us.
  • So there is a lesson in every portion, noting is there without reason. So ask the Holy Spirit to explain to you for He is a wonderful friend. Also who else would know better than the author Himself?


Psalm 23

  1. God is my shepherd. He leads me.
  2. Satan takes us through the valley of Shadow of death.
  3. People have wants, people have enemies.
  4. Ps.23:6: Surely goodness and mercy.
  5. Repent from going my way instead of following God.
  6. Hymn the Lord’s my Shepherd, I won’t want
  7. When God is my Shepherd I won’t want anything.
  8. As long as God is my shepherd. I can be safe until the day I come to live in this house of the Lord.
  9. My Friends who still have not chosen the Lord as their Shepherd
  10. How God has given me food, clothes and a place to stay today.
  11. Real life incident (-)
  12. To myself.

May you have a wonderful year ahead.

Happy New Year.

Merilyn Jemimah Amirtharaj.
