

Jesus,knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?” (John 18:4)

We all want to know God’s will but after we have known what God wants us to do, are we really willing to do it?
We would like to do God’s will, only if it is * Comfortable for us.
*Like we expect it to be
*a thing that will not put
us in an awkward situation
*if it won’t be painful.

But at times God’s will may not be what we want it to be. His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.His plans are way bigger. He has got the whole picture. But we cannot wrap our tiny minds around what we think God’s will is.

Most people think whatever finally happens is God’s will. No it is not so always. People don’t do God’s will at all times so God will allow them to do their own will.

At times the will of God will not be done by the people. It is the will of God that none should perish but people do perish.But the Holy Spirit knows what people will end up doing (John 16:13)

We all have heard umpteen number of sermons on how to find out the will of God but now the question is?
When we know the will of God what do we do?
If we find out that the will of God is not what we wanted, how do we react?
Do we fight back in prayer to God saying, you want your way? Or by trusting God, you surrender like Jesus who knew fully well the painful cup he had to drink to do God’s will and went ahead and surrendered himself.

Do we co-operate with God and quietly humble ourselves for God to have His way? Or do we fight people who God can use to bring about His will?

I know it’s not easy at times to believe that a loving father will allow us to go through something we don’t like.

But trust His good heart and great love. Let Him have His way. After a while you will see that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. What Satan intends for evil God can turn it for good just like we see in the life of Joseph. The will of God for Joseph was painful. Had he been revealed the whole picture? I doubt of Joseph would have wanted to go and see his brothers that morning when his father asked him to go.

May be that’s the reason why at times God does not reveal His will to us fully. At times He keeps silent and let us know His will through the course of actions that happen. But if He is confident that you will do His will no matter the cost, He will not do anything without telling you.

So commit yourself to do God’s will at all times.
Stay Blessed.
Merilyn Jemimah Amirtharaj.

Loving Heavenly Father everything is possible for you. Yet not what I will but thy will be done.