
Seasons change

Daniel 2:21 “He Changes Times and Seasons”

The Lord has a word for you this season – “If you wait patiently, God will fulfill all that He has promised”. God will bring that change you are waiting for. No situation or problem in your life is permanent. No confusion of your mind is difficult for God to clear. He is the God who can change the difficult season of your life.

James 5:7-8 says, “Be patient, then brothers until the Lord’s coming, see how the farmer waits for the land to yield it valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm.” As children of God, we need to possess this priceless quality in our everyday lives. As a young mother of two lovely daughters, I am realizing the importance of patience. We as mothers wait for nine long months to hold our baby that was growing in our womb. We also know the importance of waiting patiently while cooking; we can never make tasty Biriyani unless we let the fire bring together all the flavors in the spices. Well, we do have patience in all these things but why is it that we lack patience when it comes to receiving the promises of God concerning our lives. We begin to grumble so quickly and lose hope when we do not see the change as and when we want to see it.

Isaiah 5:18-19 says, “Woe… to those who say, “let God hurry, let him hasten his work so that we may see it. Let it approach, let the plan of the Holy One of Israel come so that we may know it.””

We cannot twist God’s hand to make him do things in our time and in our way. There are few things that one can learn from the Word of God about waiting for seasons to change.

1. Do Not Grumble:

James 5:19 says “do not grumble against each other”.While you are waiting for God to do a miracle or do something new in your life do not grumble or murmur against God or others. The Israelites kept grumbling as they waited to enter the Promised Land and it was one thing that angered God. It is, of course, very difficult to do the waiting joyfully, but if we keep grumbling the whole time, when we receive the blessing we lose the joy that comes with it.

James 1:2 says we have to consider it pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds. Therefore I encourage waiting joyfully for the season to change.

2. Do Not Create  Idols.

When Moses went up to the mountain for 40 days to meet with God, the Israelites were not able to be patient, so they created idols (a substitute for God). Many times when we don’t hear from God, we tend to create our own gods in the form of our will, or hearing favorable prophecies and lose our focus from the promise of God. The Israelites did that detestable thing of creating an idol in their lives, while they should have been waiting for the word from God. If you are in a similar situation, may be you can’t hear God about a certain situation in your life may be you cannot see the season changing, it doesn’t mean that God is not working or that God is not moving. He is God and He knows the right timing so wait patiently for the best in your life.

3.Do not settle for the Second Best.

Abraham received God’s promise that he will have a son of his own. However the season of bareness did not change for 25 years after receiving the promise. He decided to settle down for the second best and not wait for God’s promise by having a child through another woman. God was faithful to fulfill His promise in due time, but Abraham settled for a second option and his descendants today still suffer for that decision of choosing a second wife.

Dear child of God, I encourage you as you read this to endure till the end and hope against all odds. There is much learning that comes with the waiting. The true purpose of things will clearly be revealed when we wait patiently. There is a molding and shaping that happens with the testing that matures you into a better person.

This is a season of harvest, a time to reap what we have sown through prayer, praise and tears. When you feel you have done all that you can, don’t give up hope. The Bible says in Hebrews 10:35-36, “So do not throw away your confidence. It will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive that he has promised.”       Perhaps you are waiting for the salvation of a loved one or waiting for God’s word in choosing your life partner or for peace in your marriage. Hold onto God. You may be tempted to throw the towel and walk away when situation doesn’t seem to change, but I encourage you to stop, relax and pray and allow God’s great peace to transcend your heart and mind, giving you strength to let God change the seasons in your life and do something new. Amen.

Stay Blessed

Merilyn Jemimah Amirtharaj