


Dear Friends,

There is something God is impressing upon my heart to share with you. It was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit when I read the verse from Exodus 1:8,” Then a new king began to rule Egypt, who did not know who Joseph was.”

Many a times we as human beings may think that life is just for the moment. We do not think ahead about the consequences of our actions. We see that there was a time of favour enjoyed by the Israelites during the time of Joseph. They had riches, power, favour but after a few years it was all gone.

We must remember that if we don’t have God with us, the money, power, position, favour will all fade away. Only God remains.

I repeat. We might be rich, have great position, great influence but a time will come when they will not remain. If we don’t learn to depend on God, we will be in for a big trouble. So learn to trust Him even when we have everything.

No inheritance will last for more than a few generations. All the hard earned money, houses, cars won’t last forever. But if we can give our children the greatest inheritance – God, nothing will they ever lack in their lives.

You might be a rich person of great influence but as we read in Exodus 1:8 a time will come when your riches will not help the generation after you but if you are rich in God, rich in good works, rich in helping others, you are creating a good legacy. There is nothing that can take away from them for generations to come. If we possess God we can give Him as a great wealth to our children. So we need to check what we leave behind for the generation after us. The Bible says in Proverbs 13:22,” A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.

To illustrate this point I want to share with you a study conducted on 2 people and the legacy they left behind is called Jukes Edward’s story.

It is about two men who were born in the 19th century in a rural community but one of them was born in a Christian home and the other was born in an atheist’s family. Max Jukes chose to be against God the one who was from the atheists family. He had 560 offsprings. 300 people died as beggars, 150 people turned into criminals. 7 people were murders. 100 people were drunkards and more than half his women were prostitutes.

Whereas Jonathan Edwards lived as a person who loved God and followed Him faithfully. He married a godly young woman. They had 1394 descendants. 295 people were graduates, 30 people as rectors, 3 as American Senators, 3 people were Governors of state, 30 became judges, 100 were lawyers, 100 famous missionaries, preachers, writers. 80 worked in government offices. 75 were in the army. 65 were Professors, 3 became Mayors of major cities. 1 person became the Vice President of the USA.

So it is really not important if you were born in a poor family with not much of an inheritance to talk about. If you seek God first and acknowledge Him in all your ways, there is nothing God cannot do for you or the generation that come after you. If is a God who remembers his covenant of love for a 1000 generations.

So make sure you that know God and that He knows you personally, then He will remember you and your generation forever. It is not important if you are known by any king. But you should be known’by the King of Kings,  who reigns forever more.

I would like to close with one of my favorite verses from the book of  Psalms 37:25 “I have been young and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.”

So it gives us great confidence and unending hope that He who has called us is faithful. He will never leave us nor forsake us . Stay Blessed.

Merilyn Jemimah Amirtharaj.
