

The unfolding of your words gives light. It gives understanding to the simple. Psalm 119:130.
Many a times when we read the scriptures, there are certain verses that stands out. It inspires us. We just know that there is something in that verse that is meant for us. We just have like a fire burning in our heart when we read it, we just know something within that verse is to be applied in our life.
What do we do at that time. We should ask God to unfold the verse like a gift being unwrapped. God can unfold the verse and explain it to us. When he explains it to us we give us solution for our problems. It can show us which way to take in certain cross roads of life. It can give us understanding about certain situation. Just clarify to us as simple as we are why certain things are happening around us or within us. I came across an wonderful illustration of how God can unfold His word to give us light and understanding when we face difficult situations. Let me share it with you.
It was during the year 1916 when the world war I was going on. England was not match for the Germans because of the advanced weapons that German had. The English troops were failing. So England needed to find a rapid method of manufacturing TNT and smokeless gunpowder in large quantities.
A brilliant Jew, Charm Weismann who lived in England provided formula that made TNT explosives with easily available material. So they were very happy and the English government asked him to name a price for his valuable and timely help.
Mr.Weizamann did not ask anything for himself, he instead asked for a separate state for the Jews according to what is written in the Bible.
The British felt it was tremendous help for them to win the war. So they packed the TNT in the boats but since the boats rocked the TNT would explode and they would never take the explosives to the war front. So premier Lloyd George of England told Mr.Weizmann there is no question. Your invention is great but if you can perfect the invention, we can give you the prize you have asked for.
So Prof.Weizmann being a child of God went before the Lord and prayed. Then he sought the scriptures and as he was reading from the Book of Job in the OT. He came to the 38th Chapter 22, 23.
Hast thou entered in the treasures of snow? Or has thou seen the treasures of hail, which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war? He stopped for a minute and said, “Oh God, surely we are in time of trouble. It is a day of battle and hast thou entered into treasures of snow? Inspired by this verse.
He began to pack the explosives that was used for war in chipped ice which was like a store house. They placed it on the warship and it was successfully transported.
Israel was declared as separate Nation on May 1948 and Prof.Weizmann was its first president. Oh what glorious things are unfolded from scriptures to give light and understanding to all who seek the Lord.
So the next time you are faced with a difficult situation, open the Bible and read it, you will find treasures in it.
Ask God each time before you read to open your eyes to see the wonderful things in this His word. It is only God who can unfold the true meaning of each verse because He has inspired it to be written these.
But don’t use the Bible like a magic book and pick random words out of context and apply it to your life as and how it pleases to you as many are in the habit of doing.
Instead when you are inspired by a word, go to God and tell him to unfold it for you and then keep the revelation safe with you unless God calls you to share it with someone. Do not reveal the secrets God tells you. Journal it and treasure it. At the same time if God tells you to share it, be bold and share it. Even if people don’t believe you don’t worry. If God has given you the word, He is faithful to fulfill it. No matter what. So keep reading and be blessed through God’s word.
Stay blessed.
Merilyn Jemimah Amirtharaj.