

2 Sam. 23:1 ““The inspired utterance of David son of Jesse, the utterance of the man exalted by the Most High,the man anointed by the God of Jacob, the hero of Israel’s songs:”

In this world everyone wants to be exalted, to be successful, appreciated, and to overtake everyone else. It is this desire to be exalted that causes people to be jealous of another, to wrangle, to suppress, use any unfair means to be get on top. They murder, jump jobs, back bite, create riots, involve in strikes, complain, make false accusations, mess up good relationships, just to be exalted, just to accomplish their end which is to feel superior over other people.
When we want to be exalted or when we see another person exalted we must keep in mind some valuable lessons so that we also will be truly blessed. We must remember that:
No.1. In life there will always be someone ahead of us in some area:
We may not be the best in everything nor skilled in every area. Proverbs 22:29 “Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” There will always be someone doing better than us in one area. This should not at any time make us feel jealous or unhappy. Instead we must focus on how we can improve. Being bitter of the success of another helps no one. In the Bible we read about Cain and Abel. We see that Abel’s sacrifice was accepted by God. So Cain felt let down and he was jealous of his brother. He knew God had exalted his brother above him. So he decided to do away his brother. He could not accept his brother being above him. God saw Cain’s anger and warned him before he killed his brother. God gave a chance to Cain to do what was right. God told him in Genesis 4:7. “If you do what is right will you not be accepted.” But Cain gave no heed to God’s words and he eliminated his innocent brother in his anger towards God.
No.2. It is God who exalts:
If we do what is right in the eyes of God, He will exalt us in the right season. It is the Lord alone who can exalts or humble a person.Here are some verses from the Bible to validate this point 1 Samuel 2:7 “The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.” Psalms 75:6, 7 “No one from the east or the west or from the desert exalts a man. But it God who judges, He brings one down, he exalts another.” When we understand this, we will learn to depend on Him and Him alone to exalt us and will in turn easily submit to those above us in authority even if they reached there by using wrong means.
Let us always remember the words of Jesus to Pilate in John 19:11. “You would have no power over me, if it were not given to you from above”. In Romans 13:1 Paul clearly instructs us that “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authority that exists has been established by God.”
So the next time you are dealing with a difficult boss do not fight him. Instead talk to God who placed him over you and ask Him for wisdom, patience and humility to handle even the most annoying authority. Deal with the source of the problem instead of being bitter and disappointed with the situation or people. A typical example is Cain who could have set things right by doing what God wanted him to do. Instead he chose to annihilate his dear brother. We will never indulge in such unhealthy attitudes if we understood that it is God who exalts a man. We will be willing to address issues in the presence of God rather than in the presence of man; solve the problem in the right way rather than take drastic measures to snuff it out.
In the Story of Cain and Abel, we see that Cain’s offering was not accepted by God. It was not Abel’s mistake. But Cain showed his anger on Able instead of setting things right with God. We too at times behave that way. There are a lot of things that can be solved in the presence of God instead of dealing it in the wrong way in the presence of man. So always remember that it is God who exalts a man.
No.3. If we are faithful in the little things we will be exalted to take charge of much bigger things and responsibilities.
When we remember that it is God and not our immediate authority who exalts us, we will be careful to be faithful in the little unnoticeable things. God sees everything, even things your boss cannot. May be your boss can see the outward things that you are showing off just so that you will be promoted but God can see the deep and hidden things. (I Samuel16:7)
We read in Mat.25:21. “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.”
Now Joseph recognized the hand of God in every situation of his life and was faithful wherever he was placed by God. That is why God was able to mould him, train him and exalt him to become the top man of Egypt.
Like Joseph who was faithful in the little things in Pothiphar’s house and then in prison let us remember always to be faithful in the small things, knowing it is God who will exalt you and after all nothing escapes his watchful eyes. Recognize the hand of God in your life, be faithful even in the smallest things of life humbly to be lifted up in due time.
When we exalt ourselves ahead of time it always ends in disaster. There is a time for God to exalt you. Until then we must be under his mighty hands. The Bible clearly says that inI Peter 5:6, “Humble yourselves therefore under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” Joseph waited for 13 years under the mighty hand of God before being exalted. On the contrary Absalom, the son of David tried to exalt himself before time and was destroyed. So let’s wait for God’s time while being faithful in the little things of life, focusing on heavenly rewards and long term blessings, then and only then will we not be tired in the process. Jesus says in Mat. 5:12. “Rejoice and be glad because great is your rewards in heaven.
Also when we see people getting their moment of glory on earth through unfair means, we should remember that they will not be receiving their lasting reward in heaven. The Bible reminds us in Psalms 37:7, 34
V7: “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him, do not fret when men succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes.”
V34: “Wait for the Lord and keep his way He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off you will see it.”
When there is a waiting we must always remember God is protecting us and training us for greater things. He will humble us and give us the skill required to be exalted to the place where He wants us to be. Remember all of us cannot be the head; even a little finger in the body has great importance. So be faithful and do well wherever God has put you.
No.5 Where there is glory, there is always a story behind it:
When you see a man exalted by God we must stop to ask for the story behind it. Most of the time we are quick to be envious of another’s success, quick to judge them and decide that for sure they had used some unfair means to get there. Well, it is not always true. Even while there maybe power hungry, tyrannical dictators around yet there are also people who have been exalted by God clothed in humility, filled with compassion, administering justice surrounded by mercy. When you see those people don’t forget to ask for their success story; don’t forget to ask about the price they had paid to get there; don’t forget to get those pearls of wisdom from them. It can help you reach your destiny in the right season joyfully. Let me quote a poem by an unknown author:

When God wants to drill a man,
And thrill a man,
And skill a man
When God wants to mold a man
To play the noblest part;
When He yearns with all His heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall be amazed,
Watch His methods, watch His ways!
How He ruthlessly perfects
Whom He royally elects!
How He hammers him and hurts him,
And with mighty blows converts him
Into trial shapes of clay which
Only God understands;
While his tortured heart is crying
And he lifts beseeching hands!
How He bends but never breaks
When his good He undertakes;
How He uses whom He chooses,
And which every purpose fuses him;
By every act induces him
To try His splendor out-
God knows what He’s about.
– Anonymous

It’s easy to desire exaltation but we must remember that the process is not easy. Only with God’s help can we achieve what God has called us to do. So let us be careful not to speak against anyone God has exalted or blessed. Instead with the right attitude, let us continue to be faithful in little things so that in due season God will exalt us to glorify His name.
Stay Blessed
Merilyn Amirtharaj