
Why on Earth Am I Alive??

In this journey of life, we all need help. We did not choose to be born in this world. We are products of God’s grand design. While we are on this Earth, if we do not know our Maker and trust His good heart we will be left purposeless, helpless and grumpy.
The Bible says in Isaiah 38:18 , “People in the place of the dead cannot praise you; those who have died cannot sing praises to you; Those who die don’t trust you to help them.

This verse talks about two things that a person who is dead cannot do.

1: They cannot Praise God

2: They cannot trust God

So the converse is applicable for those who are alive. They need to do just two things:
# Praise God

# Trust God

# Praising God:

God created man to worship Him. True worship comes when we have a deep fellowship with our Maker. Praising God includes being in awe of who He is and thanking Him for what He has already done and is yet to do in our lives.

This is what God intended us to do; this is the very reason for which we are alive. But God’s enemy ,the devil , will do everything in his capacity to stop us from fulfilling our purpose. It was the purpose for which he (Lucifer) was created and he knew what a privilege it is to worship God. Now he has lost the ability to worship God and so he makes sure no body realizes its importance. Even if they realize it, he makes sure they don’t worship God and even if they worship, he will make sure that it is a religious activity or make them focus on the song or the music and not God.

Have you wondered why you always go late to church and miss worship?

Have you wondered why you always find something wrong with the worship leader or the music when it is time to worship?

Have you wondered why when you have personal times of devotion, supplication prayer is much easier than worship?

Have you ever wondered why it is easy to feel good singing or listening to songs and still not utter a single word in worship to God from our innermost being?

It is time to analyze these questions and set things right. Then we will find a true fulfillment in our life because that is the very purpose for which we were created. In fact, worship is not just the song we sing ; it is our very life lived out in a manner that brings glory to God.

# Trusting God:

Jeremiah 17: 7 “But the person who trusts in the Lord will be blessed. The Lord will show him that He can be trusted.”

What a promise! The verse says that God will show Himself to be trustworthy when we trust Him. We all trust God for so many things and when we trust Him with all our heart, He will prove that we have done the right thing by trusting Him.
Proverbs 3:5,6 says, “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”

Trusting God is to let God direct your path. Most often we choose our own path and trust God to lead us ,guide us and guard us in the path that we have chosen. But to truly trust God is to not lean on your own understanding by considering the pros and cons but to acknowledge and ask God to choose the very path for you so that you can trust God to lead you and direct you in that very path that He has chosen.

If a man truly trusts in God in such a manner, with all his heart , then God will show him that He can be trusted. God will move the heavens and shake the mountains for such a man who fully places his trust in Him.

King David was a man of whom God says was after His own heart (Acts 13:22). The Bible says in Acts 13:36, “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep”. Isn’t it amazing to know that David had served God’s purpose for his life? How did he do this? He did just those two things. He always worshiped God and he always trusted God. Only in times when he did not choose to trust God but walk in his own desire and understanding, he had major problems. But every single time he trusted God, God showed him that He could be trusted.

David says in Psalms 27:13, “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.”

The Bible is a book that shows life after life, story after story that God will show Himself faithful. It is who He is! He cannot change His character! There are many times in our lives that we do not trust Him but He always remains faithful. II Timothy 2:13 says ,”If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown himself.”
On the other hand, the Bible clearly warns us not to put our trust in human beings. Jeremiah 17:5 says , “A curse is placed on those who trust other people, who depend on humans for strength, who have stopped trusting the Lord.”
And also Isaiah 31:1 says, “How terrible it will be for those people who go down to Egypt for help. They think horses will save them.They think their many chariots and strong horsemen will save them. But they don’t trust God, the Holy One of Israel, or ask the Lord for help.”
We must not put our trust on people or on money to help us. There are two things in the world that can give us confidence, two things which we can choose to rely on. We can either lean on God or on money. Most people tend to put their trust in God only when they run out of money. Even people tend to help us only as long as we have money. That is why God says in Luke 16:13 that we can either serve God or money.
As said in Proverbs 3:4,“ Trust in the Lord with All your heart”, let us choose to trust God with all our heart and not only when we run out of options. When you trust Him with ‘All’ your heart you will see that He can be trusted. When you trust God, you will be like a strong tree with deep roots that is not affected when the day is hot or when there is no rain.
The One you trust in is Faithful and He does not change. His love is steadfast. He will be your sure foundation in these uncertain times. He will keep you in perfect peace amidst the storms of life and when the oceans rise. Only learn to keep your mind steadfast on Him. Your heavenly Father has the whole world in His hands and the entire universe under His control. Only Believe.
Stay Blessed.
Happy trusting!
Merilyn Jemimah Amirtharaj .