
What more can I do for you??

I came across a very interesting story about Pilo the son of Pilate the governor who sentenced Jesus to death. Legend has recorded that Pilate had a son name Pilo who was crippled. It brought Pilate a lot of agony and he was ashamed that a warrior like him had a son who could not even walk. So Pilate had doctors come from Greece and India to treat his son. But they would try to straighten the crippled feet for hours and the boy would scream in pain . Once the treatments were over he would leave the boy with his mother and never come home for several days as he was unable to digest the illness of his son.

Then Pilate’s Wife Claudia, disguised, was present when her friend Jairus’s daughter’s dead body was to raised to life by Jesus. Claudia, with her boy, is unable to get close to the bier due to the crowds of onlookers . And as always Jesus healed everyone who were in His presence. Yes,Jesus healed Pilo of His crippled legs. He was able to walk again.

When Pilate came to know that his son was healed completely, his joy knew no bounds. He liked everything except the fact that Jesus had healed him. To Him Jesus was a potential threat to the peace of his already fragile province. So he never acknowledged to anyone that his son was healed by Jesus of Nazareth. He never shared the greatest testimony that Jesus did for his son.

Then there came a day when Jesus was brought for trial. There was a chance given to Pilate to show Christ his gratitude for healing his son. When people wanted to crucify this same Jesus who had healed his only son. Even his wife came to him to tell him about a dream she had the previous night. She told him not to have anything to do with the death of Christ. ( Matthew 27:19)

Even Jesus gave him a personal audience and told him to who he was and that He was not of this world ( John 18:23,36). But nothing could persuade Him to take a stand for Christ.
When the voices of people grew louder he washed of his hands in water but told he handed over Jesus to be crucified. John 29:12,13).He thought the water would wash away his guilt. ( Mathew 27:24)
My question is What more could have Christ done for Pilate in order for him to take a stand for Christ.

Was not the healing of his only son enough?

Was his wife’s strange dream not suffice?

Was not the personal words of Jesus give him enough courage to stand for Christ?

No He heard the voices of the people and took a stand for his reputation and position.

But before long what He stood for was stripped away from him.
My question today is what more does Christ have to do for you to make you take a stand for Jesus.

Think about it before it’s too late. Take a stand for Christ when it matter most.

People’s voices that dragged you to make a choice will not last long but the voice of guilt in your heart will never stop.

Will you take a stand for Christ today?

Even if you have failed Christ like Pilate. His blood is there to cleanse your guilty conscience.
Legend has it that Pilate was banished within a year for an up rising in his province. And at exile he would keep washing his hands off in a lake all the days of his life until one day he ended his life in that very lake unable to wash away his guilt for crucifying an innocent man…
If He had known about the blood of Christ He would have been set free from the guilt that plagued his heart ( Hebrews 9:14). Today Christ gives you an opportunity to take a stand for Him by His grace.
Will you take a stand for Him?

I don’t know in what area you have to take a stand for God?

May be it is being truthful in a job where you have to lie to survive.

May be it’s in your marriage?

May be it is in your studies?

Only you know in your heart where you have to take a stand for Christ.

The only way the world will know that Christ is alive is when you take a stand for your convictions for an unseen Christ at the cost of your wealth, reputation, job and your very life. It might be the only opportunity for people to see that the God you serve is worth taking a stand for.
Will you dare to follow His word and not heed to the deafening voices of the world.

Will you choose to hold on to him until the very end.
Isaiah 5:4 says, ” “What more could I have done for my vineyard than I have already done? Although I expected good grapes to grow, why were there only bad ones?”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭5:4‬ ‭NCV‬‬
All that Christ expects in our life is that we will exhibit his character. The fruits of His Spirit so that we will be full of grace and truth. So that we can be ambassadors and bring glory to His mighty name.
Stay Blessed

Happy Loving

Merilyn Jemimah Amirtharaj